Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Joburg - Day 1

Well, we have arrived! My team and I landed in Johannesburg at 7am this morning, so about 12am Eastern time. It feels great to finally be here! We are exhausted from the flights and all the traveling, but are thankful we arrived safely and have had the opportunity to settle into our house today.

During our time here in Johannesburg, my team and I will be studying through the book of James, listening to a sermon series by J.D. Greear called Gospel Revolution, and the girls will be reading Disciplines of a Godly Woman, while the guys read Disciplines of a Godly Man. I am so excited for all of this material we will be studying this summer. I cannot wait to directly apply the things I will be learning to my life and to then take it to share and teach other women on the campus of Wits.

Although it hasn't quite sunken in that I am here in Johannesburg, I am so thankful to be here and cannot wait to see what the Lord has planned for this summer. I am confident that He has plans to use me and my team in mighty ways to impact his kingdom and to be used as vessels to reach students at the University of Wits.

Thank you so much for your love and prayer support thus far. The Lord has been faithful to get me and my team to Johannesburg safely, and I have full trust that we can expect so much more from Him! 

Please continue to pray that:
  • God will begin to soften the hearts of the students at Wits and that He will prepare their hearts to hearing the truths of the gospel.
  • That while my team is in South Africa, we will see men and women profess faith in Christ through the labor of our team
  • That through this trip, God will work in my heart to cultivate a vision for the rest of my life
  • That while my team is in South Africa, God will provide an opportunity to meet and talk with someone from an unreached people group (a group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians) and that we would have the opportunity to share the gospel with them
  • For the overall health and safety of our team for the duration of our time here

With Love,


Isaiah 6:8 - Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

1 comment:

  1. WOW Haley!!! So glad you are all safe and settling in! I am pumped to get your updates and see what you are learning! I love you!
