Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Beginning

I want to begin this blog in thankfulness for all of you in supporting my trip to South Africa this summer. I am so excited to be going to Johannesburg for 6 weeks to invest in my relationship with Jesus Christ, to work alongside a group of students who are passionate about making the Lord's name known, to meet African students at the University of Witswatersrand (Wits) and share the love of Christ and his amazing gospel with them, and to experience God work and move in my heart in a new way. This is an awesome opportunity that I have been given, and I cannot wait to make the most of my summer.

Although I will not be leaving for South Africa for another few weeks, I would love for you to join me and start praying for this summer now! I have compiled a small list to give you an idea of what you can be praying for.

Things to pray and trust God for:
  • That God will begin to soften the hearts of the students at Wits and that He will prepare their hearts to hearing the truths of the gospel
  • That while my team is in South Africa, we will see men and women profess faith in Christ through the labor of our team
  • That through this trip, God will work in my heart to cultivate a vision for the rest of my life
  • That while my team is in South Africa, God will provide an opportunity to meet and talk with someone from an unreached people group (a group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians) and that we would have the opportunity to share the gospel with them
  • For the overall health and safety of our team, while we travel and for the duration of our time there
Again, thank you for your love and support and for joining me this summer through this blog on my journey to South Africa. This is just the beginning.

With love,


Isaiah 6:8 - Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

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