Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Midst of His Glory

Airport before leaving the States!

The team at Carnivore

God's creation!

Waterfall at Botanical Gardens

A few of us!

View from the mountains at Botanical Gardens

My ministry partner, Kristen 

Kristen, Jerida, Fiona, & Me

Weekly Meeting - HD

At Carnivore - this may or may not be zebra!!

Baby lion cubs!!

We made a friend!

Well, although I have only been in South Africa for 21 days, it feels like I have lived here for a year! I love it here. I, along with my team, have had the opportunity to experience some great things since we arrived a few weeks ago.  

History of SA
Within the first few days of being in Johannesburg, we were able to visit an Apartheid museum and learned a lot about South African history and culture. We also visited the township of Soweto where we went to another museum dedicated to Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid. I really enjoyed visiting these museums and learning about South African history and culture. It put many things into perspective pertaining to the current condition of South Africa today and the stereotypes that are still alive between the black South Africans and the white South Africans. We also had the opportunity to hear from a few native South Africans who are involved with Campus Outreach here in Johannesburg. They told us of their background growing up and how they came to know the Lord personally. Hearing their stories and learning about the culture was so interesting to me, and in turn, I felt more aware and prepared going onto the campus of Wits.

It has been two and a half weeks now that my team has been on the campus of Wits and we have seen God do some amazing things through our ministry thus far. Campus Outreach has been active on college campuses in South Africa since 1999, and as a result of this ministry they have seen many South African students profess faith in Christ. As of this year, the core body at Wits consists of about 30 students. This summer, my team has the opportunity to run alongside these student leaders by doing ministry with them on the campus of Wits. The three girls on my team, along with myself, have been assigned specifically to laboring in Jubilee Residence Hall (Jubes), which is an all women's res. The four of us girls have been split into ministry partners, so each pair works together laboring on specific floors in the res. There are 11 floors in Jubes, and my ministry partner, Kristen, and I have been assigned to floors 3, 6, and 7. So far, God has given us a lot of favor in meeting and building relationships with the women living on these floors. The South African culture in general is very friendly, so it is not uncommon for girls to invite us into their rooms to hang out after meeting them for the first time. This, in turn, has worked to our advantage in having the ability to meet and build relationships with girls in Jubes.

Weekly Meetings - HD
Campus Outreach holds a weekly meeting called High Definition (HD) every Thursday at 7pm in a lecture hall on campus. This meeting is held to invite lost students on the campus of Wits to come and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. The theme of HD this year is “I’ll Make You Famous.” This theme is highly relevant to the students at Wits considering the prestigious reputation of their school and the vision of many students being to make themselves famous through their studies and degrees. HD always begins with a live talent being performed by a student, which then transitions into another student giving their own personal testimony of how Christ changed their heart, and then a message is given by one of the men on staff with CO. These meetings provide a great opportunity to invite lost students to come and hear what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ in a fun environment surrounded by other students who’re also interested in investigating Christ. So far we have had two weekly meetings and it has been awesome to see the men and women God has brought out to HD. It is obvious he is at work on the campus of Wits and that he is ultimately concerned with making his name and kingdom known here.

There is a girl who lives in Jubes named Jerida whom Kristen and I met during our first week in the res. She and a few of her friends came to the first two HD’s and also to an event we had off campus for the students. After HD this past Thursday, I was able to have an awesome conversation with her about the talk that night. She said she grew up going to church, but had never heard the gospel articulated in such a way that she understood it the way she did that night. Having a relationship with Jesus was a foreign concept to her, but God opened an opportunity for me to share my testimony with her and how the gospel of Jesus Christ changed my life. We were also able to talk through more of the main points from the talk that night. It was centered on celebrities and how their achievements of fame and fortune still seem to leave them unsatisfied in the world. Jerida exclaimed, “If I am striving for fame and fortune just like these celebrities and none of them seem to be happy, then why wouldn’t I choose Jesus instead?” It was awesome to see God working in Jerida’s heart and opening her eyes to the truths of the gospel, solidifying the fact that nothing in this world will ever truly satisfy and that we were made to worship the creator, not the creation. She also said that her heart and mind had been taken to another level through the talk and conversations from that night. So I ask that you please pray for Jerida and for her heart, that God would reveal himself as her Lord and savior, and that he would change her heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Pray also that Kristen and I will be able to get time with her on campus this week to talk about and see what God is doing in her heart. I know God is working all things out for his glory, and that he has a plan for Jerida’s life. Pray also for her friends, that their hearts may also be softened to the gospel and that they can see Jesus as the only thing that will ever truly satisfy their hungry hearts.

The Word
Through studying James this summer, God has been teaching me a lot. I would love to share some of the main points I have learned through studying the word.
§  James 1:6 – Faith: a settled trust and confidence in God, based on his character and promises as revealed in scripture. Doubting: wavering between trusting God and trusting the world or one’s own self.  
§  James 1:22-25 – Being a “doer” of the word, and not just a “hearer” is the only correct response to God’s word. Being a “doer” allows for the word and the gospel to take root in one’s life.
§  James 2:18-19 – Mere mental assent to the Christian faith does not save anyone. The faith that saves embraces the truth of the gospel and acts accordingly.
§  James 2:20-23 – Referring to the story of Abraham and Isaac, Abraham’s faith was active along with his works, and his faith was completed by his works. As Christians, we are not called to work our way to God, instead our works display our love and obedience towards God.
§  James 3:1-3 – A person’s words reflect their character and, in turn, are a key to their whole being.

Studying through James thus far has been so sanctifying for me. God has revealed so much to me through his word and how I can directly apply the things I am learning to my life and my ministry. The journey of sanctification is bitter-sweet, but the Lord has been gracious to reveal his unconditional love to me and that the cross is truly all I have to cling to.

Fun Times
My team has also had the opportunity to experience the beauty of South Africa, the culture, and the food. Some of the things we have experienced thus far include:
§  A Braai. This is the South African version of a barbecue. Popular food items to serve at a braai include: pap (which reminds me of grits), wors (pronounced vorce; similar to brauts), and chacalaca (what they call gravy, but is really more of a salsa type mix and is served hot).
§  Botanical Gardens. There was a beautiful waterfall and mountains we got to climb. Definitely a highlight of the trip!
§  Moyo. This was an awesome restaurant where we had the opportunity to eat authentic South African food. They also paint your face and sing to you while you wait for your food.
§  The Lion Park. This was so fun! My team was able to pet baby lion cubs (one tried to bite my purse!), feed a giraffe, and drive through secluded areas where animals roam freely. It was a great time!
§  Carnivore. This is a famous restaurant in SA where they serve all different kinds of meat. They bring huge chunks of meat around on swords and shave the meat off onto your plate! I was able to try zebra, crocodile, kudu and impala!  And they also served chicken, beef, venison, lamb, and pork. It was so fun and quite the experience!

Prayer Requests
Please pray that:
§  God will continue to move in the hearts of South Africans on the campus of Wits and that he will put a desire in their hearts to know Jesus through the gospel
§  Jerida will understand her need for the gospel and that Christ will change her heart of stone to a heart of flesh
§  My team will continue to persevere each day on campus, not for our own glory, but for the glory of the kingdom
§  God will continue to grow and teach me through his word and that he will begin to build and cultivate a vision in my heart for my future
§  For the overall health and safety of my team for the duration of our time here

Thank you so much for your faithfulness in praying for me and my team while we’re here in South Africa! Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

It has been so incredible to see God work and move through my team here in South Africa. Not only is God working in the hearts of South Africans, but in the hearts of each person on my team as well. Being surrounded by poverty on the streets, seeing the segregation among the South Africans, experiencing brokenness among students on the campus, and seeing the dying need for the gospel has grown and stretched my heart in so many ways. I am so thankful for the things I have experienced thus far and for what God has revealed to me through his word, through the sermon series, and through the book we’re reading. I can’t wait to see what God has planned for me and my time for the rest of our time in South Africa. I know the Lord is faithful to his children and that he has good works planned for us to walk into. I am trusting that he will continue to move in my heart and give me an even deeper understanding of his love and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Habakkuk 1:5 - "Look at the nations and watch - and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."